Albert Mensah booking
Albert Mensah is a widely sought after and internationally recognized speaker, author and humanitarian. Mensah is author of When the Drumbeat Changes Dance a Different Dance. An American citizen since 1994, Albert Mensah’s success story began in the impoverished nation of Ghana, West Africa. Armed with a vision and bolstered by a dream, he developed an action plan that surpassed all barriers because he knew innately that obstacles are just opportunities in disguise.
Today Albert Mensah introduces audiences worldwide to their own opportunities through the power of stories based on personal experience and measurable success. He sets the stage by first appearing in traditional Adinkra garb accompanied by the music and visuals of his homeland. Mensah then illustrates not only his own transformation, but the possibility for everyone’s transformation by revealing the business-suited executive hidden beneath the Adinkra robe. The opportunities were there all the time; they were simply cloaked by obstacles. Mensah acquaints his audiences with the dynamic energy of their own dreams, their own opportunities and their own possibilities to flourish.
Price hire Albert Mensah
Do you want to hire Albert Mensah? Directly request a quote. In 48 hours we can send you the availability of Albert Mensah If you would like to book Albert Mensah, Entertainment Booking Agency is the right place. We will offer you the best price and contact the management or we directly contact Albert Mensah. For corporate appearances or speaking engagements you can contact our agents and the will help you true the process.