Artist booking

Booking artists is our core business. We have booked the world’s most famous artists for private as well as for corporate events. From international singers to Hollywood stars. The impact on your event is without discussion. Artists provide you with a unique form of power. Artist booking agency EBA is your starting point to this success. Years of experience assure you a well-organized event, performance or press presentation. We provide you with fun, not with trouble.
Artists, artists and… more artists
We have an extensive database at our disposal. A database with hundreds of artists from all over the world. Difficult to choose? Our dedicated team will help you out by listening well to your wishes and analyse who will fit best to your company. Singers, dancers, actors, TV hosts, performers, we will guide you through our endless list. In the end, we have selected an artist who will make you happy.
Total service
We do not only book your artist. We also take care of things like scheduling, contracting, logistics, scripts and technical production. Contacting and contracting are very important tasks that you can leave to us, experienced experts we are. Besides we work together with the best partners in the world. Partners in the entertainment business that set the bar as high as we do.
We always go for total satisfaction. Hiring an ordinary booking agency will probably not be sufficient in that case. Our customers need total commitment. They will get it. We guarantee this commitment which means a lot of companies come back to us again and again. Dedication, quality and experience are our key words. Acting like this, we reach the best results for your company presentation, event or project.