Book a comedian


Endorse your event with a comedian
As well-known booking agency, we’ve booked the world’s funniest comedians for several corporate events. We know how to contact all famous comedians in the world. Name someone and our agents will book your favourite comedian. We have access to all top comedians in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and Africa. All our comedians are perfect entertainment when you want to do serious business. Our experience guarantees you a gradual event, product presentation or gala night.

Book a comedian
Being a full service agency we arrange booking and contracting. Besides we take care of logistics, technical production and local paper works when necessary. Since we have a lot of experience you can leave that to us. We work with the best partners, (sub)contractors and other third parties. Collaborators that work with the same high standards as we practice.

Events you remember
Which comedian should you choose then? Who fits your event best? We help you make the best choice for realizing the perfect endorsement. Our extensive database always enables us to offer a comedian that will be popular with your audience. Your company party, jubilee, product presentation or representation will be of a higher level and remembered for years. Regardless of which comedian booked your event will be a success.

We are focused
We work hard to fulfil your wishes completely. Arranging the most suitable comedian is just the beginning. You can expect total dedication and commitment from our side. Our clients appreciate this tremendously. In practice this means a lot of companies return to us to utilize our services. Again and again. A result of years of experience, our loyalty, our professionalism and listening well to our customers.

Arsenio Hall

Arsenio Hall

Arsenio Hall is an American actor, comedian and former talk show host. In Chicago, he tried out standup comedy and was soon “discovered,” later opening for Aretha Franklin and others.…

Bette Midler

Bette Midler

The diminutive diva went from doing cabaret in gay bathhouses with Barry Manilow to selling out Carnegie Hall. But who is the wind beneath her wings? Bette Midler grew up…

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase

Comedic actor Chevy Chase was born October 8, 1943, in New York City. In his twenties, he wrote for the Smothers Brothers and National Lampoon. Though hired as a writer…

David Letterman

David Letterman

Born April 12, 1947, in Indianapolis, Indiana, David Letterman’s big break came when he began appearing on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. He was eventually offered his own late-night…

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard

Born in Yemen in 1962, British comedian Eddie Izzard found inspiration in Monty Python’s Flying Circus. He worked in street theatre and comedy clubs before becoming nationally known through videos…