Book a speaker


As the expert booking agency, EBA offers you the most renowned speakers. Professional lecturers, entertainers and eloquent celebrities from all over the world to motivate and entertain audiences at seminars, conferences or product presentations.

Endorse your event with a speaker
As a professional booking agency for years, we will find you the right speaker to energize your audience. Maintaining relationships with the most successful speakers from all over the globe, we guarantee to offer you the best suitable speaker for your function or seminar. We represent speakers with different backgrounds, from various fields of interest. Our roster consists of movers and shakers who have made the difference.

The best speaker for your event
Our satisfied customers have come back to us time after time. For the simple reason that we know how to book a speaker. Our quality service, reliability and dedication have made the difference. It’s our business to offer you the best speaker for your event.

Booking is easy
How to book a speaker? Our EBA booking site contains news, information and user-friendly online tools for buyers. Whether you are interested in scheduling talent for music events, comedy performances or speakers for corporate events. Please contact one of our experienced agents for further information.

Harry Beckwith

Harry beckwith

Harry Beckwith has led major marketing initiatives for 14 Fortune 100 companies, including Target, Wells Fargo, Merck and IBM, work that has won the American Marketing Association’s highest award. Harry also…

Jason Jennings


Jason Jennings has spent twenty years founding and leading successful businesses and consulting other companies; teaching them how to achieve their full economic potential. He was the youngest radio station group…

Jim Pancero

Jim Pancero

Jim Pancero has the most advanced, leading-edge “business to business” sales and sales management training available today. Everything he does is extensively researched and has one bottom line focus…to increase…

Adam Carolla

Adam Carolla

Adam Carolla is one of the most versatile men in Hollywood. He recently hosted Comedy Central’s “Too Late with Adam Carolla” and starred in TLC’s “The Adam Carolla Project,” which…

Adam Hartung


Adam Hartung helps companies innovate to achieve real growth with 20 years of practical experience in developing and implementing strategies to take advantage of emerging technologies and new business models.…