Entertainers booking

We are known for our booking qualities in all senses. It has been our core business for years. We know who are the best entertainers to take your event to a higher level. International stars, top soccer players and movie actors from the entire planet, they are all able to entertain your audience. As entertainers booking agency we know the road to an excellent booking. With years of experience we assure you: good entertainers will bring you the desired success.
Entertainers from everywhere
Being a world leading entertainers booking agency we know who’s hot and who’s not. EBA gives you access to the most popular entertainers in the world. It doesn’t make sense whether your event is a party, product presentation or company power boost. The power of entertainment endorsements is undisputed and the way entertainers give publicity to your products and services is priceless.
Worldwide experience
By booking entertainers you create memories that will last a lifetime. Multinationals and other important companies come back to us again and again. Their main reason? Because we are familiar with all their wishes and needs. Each particular desire is our challenge and final target. One of our unique selling points is our full service. We support our clients to choose, make a selection and book the perfect entertainer for their event.
The perfect entertainment for your audience
Our extended database of entertainers enables us to offer you someone who definitely fits your event. The perfect mix of our commitment, ability and experience will lead to your satisfaction. Not sure or in doubt which entertainer to choose? Our agents have direct access to the best entertainers on all continents. This means you will always find someone who is in your line. EBA contacts, connects and contracts!